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CMJ 035-W24| Rings

CMJ 035-W24| Rings

5/22 (workshop) 6-9 pm, Wed. Room 408

Maximum Enrollment: 12 LBS

Course Description


In this 3 hour workshop students will explore the basic tools of metalsmithing including sawing, filing, hammering, soldering, and polishing. Student will walk away with a sterling silver ring that they made. No previous experience needed. Those with prior experience are welcome to continue practicing their skills and join the fun! This workshop is a great way to get a jump start for the Intro to Metalsmithing + Jewelry class that is being taught in the Summer session.


5/22 (3 hour workshop) 6-9 pm Wednesday

Tuition: $50 + $15 studio fee

CEUs: n/a

522 Congress Street, Room 408



Mikayla Dennison is an artist, jeweler, and educator. She earned her BFA in Metalsmithing and Jewelry from Maine College of Art in 2020 and has a background in Expressive Arts with interests in psychology, art therapy, and child development. Mikayla creates her line of jewelry, works with clients to create custom pieces, and teaches metalsmithing in a variety of settings.



Sketchbook and pen or pencil.

Most supplies provided with additional supplies available for purchase.

This course has reached maximum enrollment.

Wait lists are available by calling our office.

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