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CLA 180-F24 | Proprioceptive Writing

CLA 180-F24 | Proprioceptive Writing

10/5-10/6 (weekend workshop) 9-4 pm Sat + Sun, Room 105

Maximum Enrollment: 8 LBS

Course Description


Proprioceptive Writing® is a meditational discipline. It is a method of listening to thoughts and feelings, a method of reflection. In this process, we can slow down, notice details, and give ourselves permission to experience emotions as they arise. Over time, the writer is able to reflect more clearly. As chatter dissipates, stories emerge and the relationship with the inner self becomes more familiar and more intimate. The self emerges more frequently from burdens of stress, current concerns and questions of everyday existence. This workshop utilizes the Metcalf/Simon Method of Proprioceptive Writing®, which anyone can begin to use immediately.

“I came to this practice thinking it would help me write. I was a poor writer. I could describe through visual means but I felt awkward using words. What I found surprised me. PW gave me trust in my own imagination. It broadened my ability to listen to my inner thoughts. It gave me a sense of aliveness I did not believe possible.”


10/5-10/6 (weekend workshop) 9-4 pm, Saturday + Sunday 

Tuition: $260

CEUs: 1.4

522 Congress St. Room 105 (CS Office)



Charles Melcher studied Proprioceptive Writing for over ten years with its founders, Linda Trichter-Metcalf, Ph.D. and Tobin Simon, Ph.D., has practiced since 1983, is an adjunct faculty member of the Proprioceptive Writing Center and has introduced this new kind of meditational discipline in the US, Scotland, and Germany. He is a graphic designer and photographer and has been a member of the BFA Faculty at Maine College of Art, Portland, Maine since 1998. More info on Proprioceptive Writing go to www.pwriting.org



  • Seat cushion or Pillow
  • A few pens
  • Text(required): Writing the Mind Alive,The Proprioceptive Method for Finding Your Authentic Voice, Metcalf/Simon $17 available on Amazon

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