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CFS 070-W-I24 | Weaving on a Multi-Harness Loom

CFS 070-W-I24 | Weaving on a Multi-Harness Loom

5/20-5/24 (intensive) 9-4pm, Monday-Friday, Room 301

Maximum Enrollment: 12 LBS

Course Description



This class will explore the wonders of weaving on a multi-harness floor loom. These looms allow a weaver to create a complex patterned fabric. Students will learn how to set up a loom and explore a range of yarns and fibers. We will discuss how to use color and texture in textile design. Each student will weave a series of samples and complete a larger piece of their own design.


5/20-5/24 (intensive) 9:00 pm-4:00 pm Monday-Friday

Tuition: $400 + $50 studio fee

CEUs: 3.5

522 Congress Street, Room 301



Betsy Scheintaub is a Portland based fiber artist. She has a BFA in Fiber Arts and has taught weaving, garment design, and 3D design at Maine College of Art & Design since 2013. In her personal practice, Betsy focuses on experimental weaving techniques and hand stitched textile art.



Supplies: Students will need to bring scissors and any yarn they would like to experiment with. We will provide cotton yarns for samples.

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